Tuesday, July 6, 2021




бо (aka. бытовой отсек, "BO" or "orbital module")
Spacers don't listen to shanties (don't be silly).  But they still need music to focus while doing the plumbing and electrical work that keeps everybody alive and breathing and distract them from the constant ambient noises aboard a spacecraft.  BO often performs over helmet frequencies at shipyards, spaceports, and asteroid mining sites while in spacesuits themselves.  An ambient synthwave concert where everyone including the band is in a spacesuit is definitely an experience.   

Bugalow Deathsquad
A radical anarchist take on corporate subliminal pop music.  Banned in Corp space because it's subversive.  Despised by real revolutionaries because revolution by mind control isn't a revolution at all.  Despite the controversy, the band is only really popular among edgy teenagers.    

Extremist Neo-Shugendo ascetics who have decided to spread their take on the correct path to enlightenment through music.  Despite numerous accusations that their music is a supernaturally-enhanced memetic hazard, they just make a really compelling case for ritual suicide by self-mummification. 

Get Out Of My House.
Music derived from gibbons' territorial marking calls.  A small following among other non-gibbon ape uplifts but it's really a niche genre.  They make some iconic fight songs (at least if you're a gibbon).  

Canid uplifts are very rare and also don't care for space travel.  They don't have much in the way of common culture.  [SKINFLAP] is a rare exception.  The band advocates a rejection of human (ape, strictly speaking) language among canids.  Have created their own language and begun popularizing it through music.  Banned as subversive as a result.   

Corpse Extruder
28th century retro death metal based on the collection of original Old Earth metal music and reference material in the Neocatholic Church's archives.  Strong focus on historical authenticity and known for their respect for Old Earth traditions such as the Mosh Pit Ritual and use of historically accurate instruments and recording techniques.  Responsible for a revival of certain ancient styles of electric guitar and a lot of modern music using ancient guitars.  Strong ties to the NCT and independent academia; a very respectable band.  

The equivalent of the narcocorrido genre for corporate operators.  Set to acoustic guitar and with lyrics lionizing corporate violence.  Sponsored by a number of large security corporations including, most notably PanSec, which views itself as a patron of the arts.

Entity 7
A one-man band made of Meat.  Performed by a single custom-made sleeve/musical horror created by ex Horizon Neurogen engineer Raheem Chen.  Entities 1, 4, 5, and 6 have been retired due to . . . technical issues but the other sleeves still make an appearance when Raheem wants to shake things up.  Great variety of noisemaking abilities and many, many different throats, sacs, and bony protrusions.  While many expected Horizon to shut Raheem down, they have instead embraced his pet project.


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